Getting the most from journal reading

Getting the most from journal reading

Reading and staying up-to-date with the latest research is an important part of continuing professional development (CPD) for healthcare professionals. By keeping up with the latest findings in their field, clinicians can improve their knowledge and skills, ultimately providing better care for their patients. In this article, we'll explore the best ways for junior doctors in Australia to stay informed about new research and get the most from their journal reading.

Coaching in Healthcare - Podcast

Coaching in Healthcare - Podcast

Healthcare is a difficult industry to advance in.  Many of us are time-poor and there is little structure to training and learning outside formal college training programs. 

Many clinicians are therefore turning to coaching and mentoring for answers.  These concepts are familiar to many in business, but they are only now working their way into mainstream healthcare.

In this podcast, Rita Holland joins Todd to discuss the potential benefits of coaching in healthcare